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72 Hour Pizza Dough Recipe


One of my favorite pizza dough recipes of all time is Jim Lahey's no-knead.  It's simple, doesn't require any equipment and doesn't make a big mess.  Although, my wife wouldn't agree.  Anytime there is flour involved, I end up covering most everything within a 1-foot radius.

I'm going to take you through the steps to put this dough together, which include an added a twist.  I thought it was worth a try.  My two sons love the special ingredient and what's wrong with exploring?

What I love about this pizza dough recipe is that you literally dump all your dry ingredients into a bowl and whisk together.  Next, add the water, or any liquid will do.  In this case, we stuck with H2O.  But remember its fun to explore - do not to be afraid to try other combinations (think champagne, craft beers, cider - have fun).

The recipe:

500 grams (17 1/2 ounces) all-purpose flour, or preferably Caputo 00 flour

1 gram (1/4 teaspoon) active dry yeast

16 grams (2 teaspoons) fine sea salt

350 grams (1 1/2 cup) water


1. In a dough mixer, thoroughly whisk the flour, yeast, salt and secret ingredient (the cheese pkg from your favorite boxed mac & cheese mix).  Add water, mix thoroughly.

2.  Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel and allow it to rise at room temperature (about 72F) for 18 hours, or until it has more than doubled.  It will take longer in a chilly room and less time in a very warm one.

3. Flour work surface and scrape out the dough.  Divide it into 4 equal parts and shape them.  For each portion, start with the right side of the dough and pull it toward the center; then do the same with the left, then the top, then the bottom (the order doesn't matter, what you want is four folds).  Shape each portion into a round and turn seam side down.  Mold the dough into a neat circular mound.   The mounds should not be sticky; if they are, dust with more flour.

4.  If you don't intend to use the dough right away, wrap the balls individually in plastic wrap or store in plastic cylinders for up to 3 days.  Return to room temp by leaving them out on the counter,covered in a damp cloth, for 2 to 3 hours before needed.

5. Your pizza is now ready to cook in the Pizza Oven!

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72 Hour Pizza Dough Recipe
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